Imagine the big bad wolf has also a soft heart???? There is a little lamb who knock the wolf's door and asks " Can I come in? just because the cold weather....." Was she not afraid of the big bad wolf??? But she was shivering with cold and the old wolf hate any "frozen food" or "rumbling tummy lamb" What do they both think about? The wold gave the lamb food over and over and the lamb feels warm and friendly from the old wolf. when they try to figure out the hiccup, everything they tried are failed then the lamb fell to sleep and snoring...... What will the old wolf do to the little lamb? Is it a good chance to eat it up or take a bite? No...The wolf didn't eat the little lamb but gave her a warm sweater and asked him to leave....Is it the end of the story? Of course not, the wolf is continuing worry about the little lamb " She might get lost!", "She might get frozen!", "She might get eaten! "????????? He regreted what he had done. He went out and looked for the little lamb. Finally he found the little lamb and gave her a big hug.....Lovely!
kids funny story
Sunday, November 11, 2012
The Lamb Who Came to Dinner
The Lamb Who Came to Dinner Steve Smallman/Joelle Dreidemy
Imagine the big bad wolf has also a soft heart???? There is a little lamb who knock the wolf's door and asks " Can I come in? just because the cold weather....." Was she not afraid of the big bad wolf??? But she was shivering with cold and the old wolf hate any "frozen food" or "rumbling tummy lamb" What do they both think about? The wold gave the lamb food over and over and the lamb feels warm and friendly from the old wolf. when they try to figure out the hiccup, everything they tried are failed then the lamb fell to sleep and snoring...... What will the old wolf do to the little lamb? Is it a good chance to eat it up or take a bite? No...The wolf didn't eat the little lamb but gave her a warm sweater and asked him to leave....Is it the end of the story? Of course not, the wolf is continuing worry about the little lamb " She might get lost!", "She might get frozen!", "She might get eaten! "????????? He regreted what he had done. He went out and looked for the little lamb. Finally he found the little lamb and gave her a big hug.....Lovely!
Imagine the big bad wolf has also a soft heart???? There is a little lamb who knock the wolf's door and asks " Can I come in? just because the cold weather....." Was she not afraid of the big bad wolf??? But she was shivering with cold and the old wolf hate any "frozen food" or "rumbling tummy lamb" What do they both think about? The wold gave the lamb food over and over and the lamb feels warm and friendly from the old wolf. when they try to figure out the hiccup, everything they tried are failed then the lamb fell to sleep and snoring...... What will the old wolf do to the little lamb? Is it a good chance to eat it up or take a bite? No...The wolf didn't eat the little lamb but gave her a warm sweater and asked him to leave....Is it the end of the story? Of course not, the wolf is continuing worry about the little lamb " She might get lost!", "She might get frozen!", "She might get eaten! "????????? He regreted what he had done. He went out and looked for the little lamb. Finally he found the little lamb and gave her a big hug.....Lovely!
Gib Chickens Fly The coop
Big Chickens Fly the
Coop by Leslie Helakoski/illustrated by Henry Cole (翻譯\摘自網路)
挺有趣的,不過形容詞超多的,因為要押韻....讀的有點吃力,哈哈,找來了James練習,果真念起來有韻味多了....你也可以試試~Enjoy yourself!
挺有趣的,不過形容詞超多的,因為要押韻....讀的有點吃力,哈哈,找來了James練習,果真念起來有韻味多了....你也可以試試~Enjoy yourself!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
On the way home
或是奇遇,知名作家的繪本如英國超現實派插畫家Anthony Browne
安東尼布朗的"The tunnel", 日本林明子的"森林迷藏王", 英國John
Burningham約翰伯明罕的"The boy who was always late"都有好
多的冒險及趣味,當然我今天介紹給小朋友的"On the way home"
by Jill Murphy可是讓我相當有"fu"的呢~
Story : On the way home by Jill Murphy
Claire the girl who had a bad knee cause she fell
down from swing in the playground but she met friends, she
told them not only one version interesting stories of the
fantastic adventure. (We knew that were all her imaginations.)
1. Preview the cover page, teach the animal's name/sound
Do/copy the actions.....
2. Practice the Q&A :
Q: "What do you see in the picture?
A: "I see a/an _____(animal's name or....)
If the kids speak English well, you can ask single S to come
in front of book and point out what he saw then all Ss ask
the Q, the single S answers and do the action.
the Q, the single S answers and do the action.
(or make the sound). If they were not, you can make Q then Ss make A.
3. Don't forget to make the gesture of Claire about the word
"Well~~~~" When I said that, all kids knew that another funny
animal would be show up then they liked to copy my prounciation
animal would be show up then they liked to copy my prounciation
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Say hi from USA!
Dear friends,
Here is Ivy saying hello to eveyone. Do you miss me? Um...I don't think so. Since I didn't write my blog for a long time during the first semister in Taiwan. Now I am staying USA for almost 4 weeks and wish I can offer you some helpful information from now on. Guys....don't forget to give me your comments about my blog. Thanks.
Here is Ivy saying hello to eveyone. Do you miss me? Um...I don't think so. Since I didn't write my blog for a long time during the first semister in Taiwan. Now I am staying USA for almost 4 weeks and wish I can offer you some helpful information from now on. Guys....don't forget to give me your comments about my blog. Thanks.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Funny story 5
The story of this week
Story Teller: Ivy Chen Writer: Michael Foreman
Story name : Chicken Licken 林肯小雞 (picture transferred from website)
A fantastic chicken Licken was surprised that the sky is falling, he want to warning to the King. On the way, chick Licken meet a lot of animals and he told them about the big thing~ and they also follow Licken to find out the King…. But, unfortunately, they meet the foxy and the foxy………..?????
小朋友你有沒有看過”chicken Little” 四眼天雞的電影呢??你知道片中那隻小小雞為了要整救所有的動物結果卻被大家取笑嗎? Teacher Ivy這次要介紹的也是有關於小小雞Chicken Licken的故事, 一顆松果掉到Chicken Licken頭上,「不得了啦,天要掉下來啦!」Chicken Licken大聲嚷嚷,於是各種動物們也隨著驚慌起來,趕著要把這件大事報告國王......於是,他非常的努力向前跑…跑跑跑…突然在錄上碰到了母雞penny, 小鴨 Lucky, 天鵝 Loosey 及火雞 Lurkey…他們都很想幫忙…於是大家一起努力的向前跑…想趕快找到森林之王,可是卻沒想到碰到了動物們都不喜歡的狐狸先生…..你想知道小小雞這次可有把大家給整慘了呢??? 究竟發生了什麼事情呢?一定看一看這個有趣的故事喔!! (對了,還有精彩的戲劇表演也歡迎參觀喔~)
Story Teller: Ivy Chen Writer: Michael Foreman
Story name : Chicken Licken 林肯小雞 (picture transferred from website)
A fantastic chicken Licken was surprised that the sky is falling, he want to warning to the King. On the way, chick Licken meet a lot of animals and he told them about the big thing~ and they also follow Licken to find out the King…. But, unfortunately, they meet the foxy and the foxy………..?????
小朋友你有沒有看過”chicken Little” 四眼天雞的電影呢??你知道片中那隻小小雞為了要整救所有的動物結果卻被大家取笑嗎? Teacher Ivy這次要介紹的也是有關於小小雞Chicken Licken的故事, 一顆松果掉到Chicken Licken頭上,「不得了啦,天要掉下來啦!」Chicken Licken大聲嚷嚷,於是各種動物們也隨著驚慌起來,趕著要把這件大事報告國王......於是,他非常的努力向前跑…跑跑跑…突然在錄上碰到了母雞penny, 小鴨 Lucky, 天鵝 Loosey 及火雞 Lurkey…他們都很想幫忙…於是大家一起努力的向前跑…想趕快找到森林之王,可是卻沒想到碰到了動物們都不喜歡的狐狸先生…..你想知道小小雞這次可有把大家給整慘了呢??? 究竟發生了什麼事情呢?一定看一看這個有趣的故事喔!! (對了,還有精彩的戲劇表演也歡迎參觀喔~)
Funny story 4
The story of this week
Story Teller: Ivy Chen Writer: Martin Waddell
Story name : Farmer Duck 農場的鴨子 (picture transferred from website)
There once was a duck who had the bad luck to live with a lazy old farmer. While the duck worked, the farmer lay in bed -- until one day the other animals decided to take action!
Guess what action they will do? Who can figure it out ?
Who can tell us the result?
當勤勞的鴨子遇上懶惰的農夫,辛苦的鴨子有天終於累垮了,其他動物們決定要一起幫鴨子想想辦法,看牠們要如何運用機智展開一場反抗行動! 發揮一下想像力,如果你是可憐小鴨的好朋友…除了書上的好辦法以外….你還能不能想到其他創新又大膽的計劃來幫助他呢??
Story Teller: Ivy Chen Writer: Martin Waddell
Story name : Farmer Duck 農場的鴨子 (picture transferred from website)
There once was a duck who had the bad luck to live with a lazy old farmer. While the duck worked, the farmer lay in bed -- until one day the other animals decided to take action!
Guess what action they will do? Who can figure it out ?
Who can tell us the result?
當勤勞的鴨子遇上懶惰的農夫,辛苦的鴨子有天終於累垮了,其他動物們決定要一起幫鴨子想想辦法,看牠們要如何運用機智展開一場反抗行動! 發揮一下想像力,如果你是可憐小鴨的好朋友…除了書上的好辦法以外….你還能不能想到其他創新又大膽的計劃來幫助他呢??
Funny story 3
The story of this week
Story Teller: Ivy Chen Writer: Richard Waring
Story name : Hungry Hen 饑餓的母雞 (picture transferred from website)
A greedy fox watches a hungry hen growing bigger every day, knowing that the longer he waits to eat her, the bigger she will be.A hungry fox carefully monitors the eating habits of a rather gluttonous hen. The fox wants to eat the hen, but bides his time knowing that the more the hen eats, the better meal she will eventually make for him. Time passes, the hen grows bigger and stronger while the fox grows leaner and hungrier. Finally the day comes when the fox decides that the hen is ready to become his finest meal. Will things work out exactly as the fox has planned?
農場住了一隻超級愛吃的小母雞,它每天會做的事就是”吃”…吃呀吃..吃呀吃…而且長的越來越大。山坡上住著一隻小狐狸,每天都盯著小母雞心裡想”好想把小母雞吃掉喔….但是不行,我要忍一忍,再忍一天就會多長大一點…”於是狐狸越等越餓..越等越瘦,變成了一隻瘦狐狸!!有一天小狐狸再也忍耐不了,他好餓,這時又看到了小母雞從雞舍裡伸出頭來,小狐狸用超級快的速度衝下山坡,衝往雞舍,撞破了窗戶,終於看到了心中的大餐”小母雞”……最後發生了什麼不可思議的事情??? 一定會跌破你的眼鏡喔~! (就是太誇張啦…) 想知道嗎?
Story Teller: Ivy Chen Writer: Richard Waring
Story name : Hungry Hen 饑餓的母雞 (picture transferred from website)
A greedy fox watches a hungry hen growing bigger every day, knowing that the longer he waits to eat her, the bigger she will be.A hungry fox carefully monitors the eating habits of a rather gluttonous hen. The fox wants to eat the hen, but bides his time knowing that the more the hen eats, the better meal she will eventually make for him. Time passes, the hen grows bigger and stronger while the fox grows leaner and hungrier. Finally the day comes when the fox decides that the hen is ready to become his finest meal. Will things work out exactly as the fox has planned?
農場住了一隻超級愛吃的小母雞,它每天會做的事就是”吃”…吃呀吃..吃呀吃…而且長的越來越大。山坡上住著一隻小狐狸,每天都盯著小母雞心裡想”好想把小母雞吃掉喔….但是不行,我要忍一忍,再忍一天就會多長大一點…”於是狐狸越等越餓..越等越瘦,變成了一隻瘦狐狸!!有一天小狐狸再也忍耐不了,他好餓,這時又看到了小母雞從雞舍裡伸出頭來,小狐狸用超級快的速度衝下山坡,衝往雞舍,撞破了窗戶,終於看到了心中的大餐”小母雞”……最後發生了什麼不可思議的事情??? 一定會跌破你的眼鏡喔~! (就是太誇張啦…) 想知道嗎?
Funny story 2
The story of this week
Story Teller: Ivy Chen Writer: David Shannon
Story name : David Gets in Trouble 愛闖貨的David~ (picture transferred from website)
David skateboards in the house, hits a baseball through a window, and saunters down the street in his underwear, always making an excuse: "I didn't mean to." "It was an accident." "I forgot." When middle-of-the-night guilt kicks in, David sits up in bed saying, "Yes! It WAS me! I'm sorry."
小朋友,想想看,自己是不是很像David這樣頑皮又常闖禍的小男生,也常常在爸爸媽媽身邊闖禍呢?雖然不是故意的…但是記得一定要說 I am sorry ! 才是好學生喔~!
想不想看一看David Gets in Trouble中 David到底闖了那些禍呢?
Funny story 1
The story of this week
Story Teller: Ivy Chen Writer: Chris Wormell
Story name : Two frogs ~ 兩隻青蛙 (picture transferred from website)
Two frogs are sitting on a lily pad and one of them has a stick. The stick, he says, is to beat off the dog. But there is no dog . . . Hi, boys and girls, is that possible for the situation? Use your imagination to
Build a special conclusion for us.
池塘裡住了兩隻喜歡夢想的小青蛙好朋友”大呆”跟”大瓜”,他們最喜歡坐在池塘中間的睡蓮的葉子上聊天了。這一天,大瓜拿了一跟木棒告訴大呆說”這不是普通的木棒喔…這可是一隻神奇的木棒呀!””它是可以擊退狗狗的”,如果剛好有一位狗主人他是很棒的標槍選手剛好帶著他的狗狗來練習丟球跟揀球,而且他又把球丟到池塘中間來,如果這隻狗狗剛好是非常會游泳的狗狗,剛好游到這裡想要吃我們的話,我就可以拿這隻木棒保護我們啦!!?大瓜突然哈哈大笑說: “我覺得你應該要比較害怕另外兩種喜歡吃我們的大嘴梭子魚或是尖嘴鳥蒼鷺吧?”難道是大呆想太多了?
哇-小朋友! 你覺得這有可能嗎?會不會這麼巧呢?狗狗會不會游泳到池塘中間來吃小青蛙呢
Story Teller: Ivy Chen Writer: Chris Wormell
Story name : Two frogs ~ 兩隻青蛙 (picture transferred from website)
Two frogs are sitting on a lily pad and one of them has a stick. The stick, he says, is to beat off the dog. But there is no dog . . . Hi, boys and girls, is that possible for the situation? Use your imagination to
Build a special conclusion for us.
池塘裡住了兩隻喜歡夢想的小青蛙好朋友”大呆”跟”大瓜”,他們最喜歡坐在池塘中間的睡蓮的葉子上聊天了。這一天,大瓜拿了一跟木棒告訴大呆說”這不是普通的木棒喔…這可是一隻神奇的木棒呀!””它是可以擊退狗狗的”,如果剛好有一位狗主人他是很棒的標槍選手剛好帶著他的狗狗來練習丟球跟揀球,而且他又把球丟到池塘中間來,如果這隻狗狗剛好是非常會游泳的狗狗,剛好游到這裡想要吃我們的話,我就可以拿這隻木棒保護我們啦!!?大瓜突然哈哈大笑說: “我覺得你應該要比較害怕另外兩種喜歡吃我們的大嘴梭子魚或是尖嘴鳥蒼鷺吧?”難道是大呆想太多了?
哇-小朋友! 你覺得這有可能嗎?會不會這麼巧呢?狗狗會不會游泳到池塘中間來吃小青蛙呢
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Oscar show for the best actor and actress!
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